



Objective - study of activity of cysteine proteases - cathepsins B, L, H, and their endogenous inhibitor cystatin C, vascular endothelial growth factor in tumor tissue, skin and blood serum of children with hemangiomas. Material was obtained from 39 patients (42 hemangiomas) and 24 healthy children. It was found that the level of the studied parameters in serum and skin of healthy children regardless of the age of the child. Their activity in blood serum, skin, tumor tissue of patients with hemangiomas significantly higher than that in serum of healthy skin and children. A very large coefficient of variation for all parameters in all the studied biological substrates is not possible to use them as diagnostic markers.


N. Dementieva

ME «Regional Children Hospital of Dnipropetrovsk»


O. Borenko

ME «Regional Children Hospital of Dnipropetrovsk»


O. Lyanna

SE «Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy» of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine



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