



The study aims at the improvement of surgical treatment results of esophageal atresia in newborns by improving the technique of esophageal anastomosis. Materials and methods: the results of surgical correction of esophageal atresia (EA) were comparatively analyzed in 116 newborns staying at the department of neonatal surgery of the Republican perinatal center. Simultaneously, correction of such accompanying abnormities in 10 cases was performed. These were 6 cases of sigmoidostomy, 2 cases of correction of duodenal ileus, 1 case of proctoperineoplasty, and 1 case of patent arterial duct (PAD) dressing. Depending on a method of surgery the patients were divided into two groups: 1st (basic) group comprised 51 patients with EA who underwent surgery using a new technique, 2nd (control) group consisted of 65 patients who had a usual surgery. Results: among the patients from the basic group who underwent surgery using a modern technique anastomotic leakage was observed in 4 children only (8%) which is almost three times less than when the anastomosis was applied traditionally. For the control group (n=65), the anastomotic leakage was noted in 15 patients (23%) in the early preoperative period. 6 (40%) patients had severe purulent and septic complications which was one of the leading reasons for postoperative lethality. Conclusion: thus, based on the results of our observations we can make a conclusion that usage of the modern surgery technique considerably decreases the risk of postoperative leakage improving the results of esophageal atresia surgery.


B. Erhashev

Republican Educational Therapeutic and Methodological Center of Neonatal Surgery at the Republican Perinatal Center

Email: neosurgery@mail.ru

Sh. Eshkabilov

Republican Educational Therapeutic and Methodological Center of Neonatal Surgery at the Republican Perinatal Center; Pediatric Medical Institute in Tashkent

Email: shukur_s@mail.ru


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