- Authors: Morozov Y.A.1, Marchenko T.V.1, Goncharova A.V.1, Doletskaya L.G.1
- Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery»
- Issue: Vol 6, No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 8-15
- Section: Original Study Articles
- Submitted: 30.01.2017
- Published: 30.01.2016
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 226
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The study evaluated the dynamics of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of renal transplant in children after donor kidney transplantation in the early and late postoperative period. The GFR of a donor kidney in the postoperative period after transplantation was found an average as 68.5±22.3 ml/min . Further, the figure changes at a rate of 1.7 ml/min per month. Postoperative graft function aggravation is primarily depended on the age of the recipient. Duration of pre-transplantation renal replacement therapy had did not affect on renal function recovery in the postoperative period. The children treated with peritoneal dialysis before transplantation had a higher GFR values after surgery then children treated with hemodialysis. These differences were leveled in a year.
About the authors
Yu. A. Morozov
Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery»
Author for correspondence.
T. V. Marchenko
Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery»
A. V. Goncharova
Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery»
L. G. Doletskaya
Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery»
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