



Modern approach to diagnostics of urinary disorders in children is traditionally based on the application of different invasive instrumental methods causing a number of negative reactions in patients and distorting the results obtained. According to literature data analysis, the issue is pressing in Russia and abroad. Different ways to reduce negative effect produced on a child’s organism and increase study validity are offered including standardization and wide implementation of methods of clinical evaluation of the function of the lower urinary tract. Systematized approach to the clinical evaluation of urination in different groups of patients enables to avoid unjustifiable usage of invasive diagnostic methods and reduce the negative physiological stress on the developing organism.


R. Ignatiev

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Email: romarion74@yandex.ru

V. Geldt

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Email: romarion74@yandex.ru

N. Guseva

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Email: guseva-n-b@yandex.ru

T. Bozhedaev

G.N. Speransky Municipal Children's Clinical Hospital No.9

Email: timosss@mail.ru


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