Intussusception of the bowel in a child malrotation





Introduction. During treatment of intussusception, the greatest difficulties occur when the disease is combined with other disorders and malformations.

Materials and methods. Clinical observation on treatment in a child with bowel intussusception and malformation is presented. The course of the disease was rather difficult for exact diagnosis. Control of conservative disinvagination was inconclusive. During a surgery, a malrotation was detected. This affected the diagnostic and therapeutic tactics. The second component of obstruction represented by the abdominal adhesive process was also found and removed.

Results. The conducted surgery allowed to confirm the effectiveness of the given conservative treatment, detect the concurrent pathology and remove the mechanical obstruction.

Conclusion. The presented observation clearly demonstrates difficulties in exact diagnosis and control of conservative disinvaginaton when intestinal invagination is combined with congenital malrotation. As a result, the outcome of conservative disinvaginaton could be significantly controlled, commissure or the second component of invagination was removed and an exact diagnosis was made.


Vyacheslav Svarich

Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital, Syktyvkar; Syktyvkar State University named after P. Sorokin


Head of the surgical department of the Republican children’s clinical hospital of Syktyvkar; Pushkin st., 116/6, Syktyvkar, 167004

Dr. Sci (Med), Professor of the department of surgery of the medical institute of the Syktyvkar state university n. a. Pitirim Sorokin; Oktyabrsky av., 55, Syktyvkar, 167001; phone: 8(8212)229844


Dmitriy Lisitsyn

Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital, Syktyvkar


Head of the endoscopic department

Pushkin st., 116/6, Syktyvkar, 167004; phone: 8(8212)229844


Ruslan Islentiev

Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital, Syktyvkar


Physician surgical department

Pushkin st., 116/6, Syktyvkar, 167004; phone: 8(8212)229844


Evgeniy Perevozchikov

Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital, Syktyvkar


Physician surgical department

Pushkin st., 116/6, Syktyvkar, 167004; phone: 8(8212)229844


Ilya Kagantsov

Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital, Syktyvkar; Syktyvkar State University named after P. Sorokin


Head of the uronefrological department of the Republican children’s clinical hospital of Syktyvkar, Pushkin st., 116/6, Syktyvkar, 167004;

doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of surgery of the medical institute of the Syktyvkar state university n. a. Pitirim Sorokin, Oktyabrsky av., 55, Syktyvkar, 167001; phone: 8(8212)229850



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版权所有 © Svarich V.G., Lisitsyn D.A., Islentiev R.N., Perevozchikov E.G., Kagantsov I.M., 2019

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