



The article sums up the experience of using laparoscopic treatment in 57 girls with adnexal torsion aged 1 month-18 years treated at Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital from 2005 to 2015. The patients were hospitalized within 2-240 hours from the onset of the disease. Ultrasound examination of the abdomen (57) was performed in all patients on admittance. X-ray examination and abdominal CT (2) were performed when teratomatous ovarian elements were suspected. Laparoscopic interventions were effective in all patients. Laparoscopic detorsion of the uterine adnexa were accompanied with puncture, aspiration of retention cysts (21), removal of parovarian cysts (12), and resection of teratomatous elements. Salpingo-oophorectomy was done in necrosis of the uterine adnexa. No complications were found during surgeries and in the postoperative period. Based on the results of histological studies, all removed cystic new formations were benign.


S. Korovin

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education


A. Dzyadchik

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education


Ya. Galkina

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital


Yu. Sokolov

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



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版权所有 © Korovin S.A., Dzyadchik A.V., Galkina Y.A., Sokolov Y.Y., 2016

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