



The article describes the modern approaches to the appointment of enteral nutrition in pediatric practice. To date, enteral nutrition is considered as the most necessary and physiological feeding option seriously ill child. This article discusses the indications of enteral nutrition, applications probes staging gastro or eyunostom with functioning gastrointestinal tract of the child. The characteristics of the mixtures for enteral nutrition, mode of administration.


Yu. Erpuleva

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


A. Lekmanov

Clinical Research Institute of Pediatrics of N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


S. Gribakin

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education


E. Ryzhov


T. Tabackina



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版权所有 © Erpuleva Y.V., Lekmanov A.U., Gribakin S.G., Ryzhov E.A., Tabackina T.E., 2014

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