



There were the cases, clinical course, methods of diagnostic and treatment of pus-being eccinoccal desease of lung in children are studied in this work. From 157 cases of surgical ectomia of eccinoccocal cysts in 39 (24,8%) cases there was pus-being eccinoccal cysts and major age of children was from 8 up to 17 years old 84,6%. The major localization was in left lung - 24 (61,5%) patients, in the middle lobe of lung - 13 (33,3%), lower lobe - 22 (56,4%) patients. Open cysts of lung - 53,8%, opening to the bronchi - 35,9%, to the pleural cavity - 17,9%. Methods of diagnostic-X-ray of lungs, U-sound of internal organs and pleural cavity, CT, MRI. Surgical ectomia of eccinoccocal cysts were performed to the all patients. The method of choice to prevent from remaining cavities is step by step sutures with microirrigator. In all patients there were bronchial passes. In the postoperative period there were such difficulties as bronchial passes 2 cases, pleuritis - 3 cases.


K. Mykyev

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University after the name of B.N. El'cin


T. Omurbekov

Municipal children's emergency hospital


A. Samsaliev

Municipal children's emergency hospital


K. Moldoisaev

Municipal children's emergency hospital



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版权所有 © Mykyev K.M., Omurbekov T.O., Samsaliev A.J., Moldoisaev K.B., 2015

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