
Long-term treatment results of hydronephrosis in children operated in their first year of life. A systematic review
Bebenina A.A., Mokrushina O.G., Levitskaya M.V., Shumikhin V.S., Erokhina N.O., Agavelyan A.E.
A rare variant of obstruction of the pyeloureteral segment of the lower half in a child with doubling of the upper urinary tract: Сase report
Sizonov V.V., Shidaev A.K., Kagantsov I.M., Kondrateva E.A.
Robot-assisted transposition of aberrant lower polar renal vessels in a 14-year-old child with vasorenal hydrophnerosis
Kozlov Y.A., Poloyan S.S., Sapukhin E.V., Strashinsky A.S., Makarochkina M.V., Marchuk A.A., Rozhanskii A.P., Byrgazov A.A., Romanovich E.S., Narkevich A.N.
Commentary on “Robot-assisted transposition of aberrant lower polar renal vessels in a 14-year-old child with vasorenal hydrophnerosis”
Rudin Y.E.
Beknazarov D.B., Agzamkhodjaev S.T., Abdullaev Z.B., Sanginov S.A.
Robot-assistirovannaya vazopeksiya nizhnepolyarnykh pochechnykh sosudov pri gidronefroze
Kozlov Y.A., Poloyan S.S., Sapukhin E.V., Strashinskiy A.S., Marchuk A.A., Rozhanskiy A.P., Murav'ev S.A.
Osobennosti lecheniya patsientov s klapanami zadney uretry
Kireeva N.B., Zaugarov M.Y., Tibilov A.Z.
Rekonstruktivnye operatsii pri megauretere u detey
Akhmedov Y.M., Akhmedov I.Y., Mavlyanov F.S., Ibragimov K.N.
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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