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Purpose: to report a case of a giant stomach trichobezoar successfully treated with a laparoscopic technique. Methods. A 14-year-old girl with signs of partial upper gastrointestinal obstruction was admitted to the hospital. Stomach trichobezoar was found during an endoscopic examination. The child was discharged following conservative therapy, as her parents gave no consent to surgery. In 2 months, she was admitted to the hospital again for planned surgery. Result. Gastrotomy was performed laparoscopically. Giant bezoar was removed from the stomach, placed in an endosac and then removed from the abdominal cavity through a Pfannenstiel incision. No postoperative general or wound complications were found. The patient recovered and was discharged. Conclusion. Treatment of stomach trichobezoars should be surgical. The method depends on a certain case. We believe that laparoscopy is more useful as compared to open surgeries and recommend it in uncomplicated forms of stomach trichobezoars.

About the authors

I. H. Shidakov

Republican State Budgetary Medical and Preventive Institution “Republican Children’s Multidisciplinary Hospital”, Cherkessk

Author for correspondence.
Врач – детский хирург, Республиканское государственное бюджетное лечебнопрофилактическое учреждение «Республиканская детская многопрофильная больница» Россия

B. M. Kalniyazov

Republican State Budgetary Medical and Preventive Institution “Republican Children’s Multidisciplinary Hospital”, Cherkessk

РГБЛПУ «Республиканская детская многопрофильная больница», отделение урологии и андрологии, заведующий отделением; врач – детский хирург, Республиканское государственное бюджетное лечебно-профилактическое учреждение «Республиканская детская многопрофильная больница» Россия

A. E. Voytkovsky

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Stavropol State Medical University”

Ассистент кафедры хирургии и эндохирургии с курсом сосудистой хирургии и ангиологии, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет» Россия


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Copyright (c) 2019 Shidakov I.H., Kalniyazov B.M., Voytkovsky A.E.

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