About the authors
Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9
Email: khassan-2@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0191-1116
Saidkhasan M. BATAEV Dr. Sci (Med), head of Department
Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, 123317, tel: +7(499) 259–62–75
Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9
Author for correspondence.
Email: zak-zak-zak@mail.ru
Ruslan S. MOLOTOV PhD student of the Institute of pediatric surgery,
Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, Russia, 123317, tel: +7(499) 259–62–75
Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9
Email: nod42@rambler.ru
Nodari T. ZURBAEV Dr. Sci (Med), chief researcher of Department of the thoracic and abdominal surgery,
Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, Russia. 123317, tel: +7(499) 259–62–75
Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9
Email: romarion74@yandex.com
Roman O. IGNATIEV Dr. Sci (Med), head of Department of urology and neurourology,
Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, 123317, tel: +7(499) 259–62–75
Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9
Email: marchela.07@mail.ru
Murat V. AFAUNOV Cand. Sci (Med), senior researcher of the department of thoracic and abdominal surgery,
Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, 123317, tel: +7(499)259–62–75