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Purpose: To estimate effectiveness and safety of innovative dressings in local conservative therapy of children with burns.

Materials and methods: the study was based on the results of using innovative dressings in children aged 1–4 years with I–II–III degree skin burns occupying 1–10% of body surface (b. s.). Routine methods of examination such as follow-up visual examination of wounds, temperature monitoring, follow-up microbiological control of burn wounds determining sensitivity to antimicrobials were used; duration of spontaneous epithelization of the burnt areas, lack or availability of allergic and other adverse reactions were determined.

Results and conclusions: effectiveness and safety of using therapeutic dressings in patients with thermal injuries are verifed using clinical cases. Good therapeutic effect is confrmed when a line of dressings is combined depending on the phase of the wound process and tissue affection depth with hot liquid. Possible complications in the form of allergic reactions are found (contact dermatitis, in particular). Methods of their prevention or adequate local conservative therapy are recommended. Results of using LikoTul Ag+, PoviTex, JelleSorb Ag + Tube and AquaColl Ag+ dressings display their effectiveness and safety.

About the authors

L. I. Budkevich

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University ; G. N. Speransky City Children’s Hospital № 9


Liudmila I. BUDKEVICH Dr. Sci.(Med), professor, professor, chief science specialist, Chief of Paediatric Burn Department,

Shmitovsky pr., 29, Moscow, 123317


V. V. Soshkina

G. N. Speransky City Children’s Hospital № 9

Author for correspondence.

Vera V. SOSHKINA Cand. Sci.(Med), paediatric surgeon, Paediatric Burn Department,

Shmitovsky pr., 29, Moscow, Russia,123317


T. S. Astamirova

G. N. Speransky City Children’s Hospital № 9


Tatiana S. ASTAMIROVA Paediatric surgeon, Paediatric Burn Department,

Shmitovsky pr., 29, Moscow, Russia,123317


G. V. Mirsoyan

G. N. Speransky City Children’s Hospital № 9


Gayane V. MIRSOYAN Paediatric surgeon,

Moscow; Shmitovsky pr., 29, Moscow, Russia, 123317


A. A. Avanesyan

G. N. Speransky City Children’s Hospital № 9


Anna A. AVANESYAN Paediatric surgeon

Moscow; Shmitovsky pr., 29, Moscow, Russia,123317



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Copyright (c) 2018 Budkevich L.I., Soshkina V.V., Astamirova T.S., Mirsoyan G.V., Avanesyan A.A.

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