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This article describes the different levels of trauma center designation in the United States and focuses on the pediatric trauma centers in the state of Colorado. These urban centers serve a large geographic area that is characterized by rugged mountains, wide open plains and rapidly changing weather patterns. Critical care ground and aeromedical transport are utilized for severely injured children and the quality of care, from initial management in the feld until discharge from the hospital, is critically evaluated by a robust trauma performance improvement (PI) program. The PI program uses audit flters, data analytics and bench-marking to continuously evaluate the network of care to optimize outcomes.

About the authors

Steven L. Moulton

Children’s Hospital Colorado; University Colorado School of Medicine

Author for correspondence.

Division of Pediatric Surgery, 13123 East 16th Ave., B-323, Aurora, Colorado,  80045

Department of Surgery, 12631 E. 17th Avenue, C-305, Aurora, Colorado, USA 80045


John F. Recicar Jr

Children’s Hospital Colorado


Division of Pediatric Surgery,

13123 East 16th Ave., B-323, Aurora, Colorado,  80045


Denis D. Bensard

Children’s Hospital Colorado; University Colorado School of Medicine; Denver Health Medical Center


Division of Pediatric Surgery, 13123 East 16th Ave., B-323, Aurora, Colorado,  80045

Department of Surgery, 12631 E. 17th Avenue, C-305, Aurora, Colorado, USA 80045

Pediatric Surgery, 777 Bannock St., Denver, CO 80204



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Copyright (c) 2018 Moulton S.L., Recicar Jr J.F., Bensard D.D.

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