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The purpose of the study: evaluation of the results of surgical treatment of children with bezoars of the gastrointestinal tract.

Materials and methods. Over the past 18 years, we have observed 6 children with bezoaris (girls-4, boys-2). Of these, 5 children with trichobezoirs of the stomach and intestines and one child with polybezoar – rags, bandages. Age fluctuated from 8 to 13 years. Only one girl was at the age of 3 years. With careful collection of anamnesis, it was found that everyone had a bad habit of chewing the ends of the hair. Only one child suffering from a severe CNS lesion had a polybekoar. It is difficult to determine the exact period of existence of trihobezoars. Children were registered with pediatricians for gastritis 2–3 years; perhaps these were the first signs of the formation of trichobezoara in the stomach.

Results. Of the six children operated 5 (3 girls and 2 boys). At one girl of 12 years the tri-chaser in the size of 4 sm was in a stomach, and its tail descended in duodenum. This bezoar removes endoscopically. The remaining 5 children were operated. All the children recovered.

Conclusions. With trihobezoare stomach possible endoscopic removal. However, the main method of treating children with bezoars of the gastrointestinal tract is surgical. 

About the authors

I. N. Grigovich



Igor N. GRIGOVICH - Dr Sci (med), professor, head. Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery

185002 Petrozavodsk, Parkovaya 58


O. B. Savchuk

Children's Republican Hospital

Author for correspondence.

Oleg B. SAVCHUK - Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery Children’s Republican Hospital, the main children’s surgeon of the Republic of Karelia

185002 Petrozavodsk, Parkovaya 58


M. O. Savchuk

Children's Republican Hospital


Michail O. SAVCHUK - Head of the Surgical Department of the Regional Clinical Hospital

185002 Petrozavodsk, Parkovaya 58


V. V. Derbenev

Children's Republican Hospital


Valeriy V. DERBENEV - Cand. Sci (med), head of the Department of Endoscopy and Functional Diagnostics 

185002 Petrozavodsk, Parkovaya 58



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Copyright (c) 2018 Grigovich I.N., Savchuk O.B., Savchuk M.O., Derbenev V.V.

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