The purpose of the study: evaluation of the results of surgical treatment of children with bezoars of the gastrointestinal tract.
Materials and methods. Over the past 18 years, we have observed 6 children with bezoaris (girls-4, boys-2). Of these, 5 children with trichobezoirs of the stomach and intestines and one child with polybezoar – rags, bandages. Age fluctuated from 8 to 13 years. Only one girl was at the age of 3 years. With careful collection of anamnesis, it was found that everyone had a bad habit of chewing the ends of the hair. Only one child suffering from a severe CNS lesion had a polybekoar. It is difficult to determine the exact period of existence of trihobezoars. Children were registered with pediatricians for gastritis 2–3 years; perhaps these were the first signs of the formation of trichobezoara in the stomach.
Results. Of the six children operated 5 (3 girls and 2 boys). At one girl of 12 years the tri-chaser in the size of 4 sm was in a stomach, and its tail descended in duodenum. This bezoar removes endoscopically. The remaining 5 children were operated. All the children recovered.
Conclusions. With trihobezoare stomach possible endoscopic removal. However, the main method of treating children with bezoars of the gastrointestinal tract is surgical.