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Purpose. To analyze the results of treatment of children with keel-shaped deformity of the chest using various methods.

Materials and methods. The work is based on the retrospective analysis of treatment outcomes for 28 children who obtained treatment for KSDC at pediatric surgical departments of Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2 in Tyumen and Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital in Kirov. These are clinical bases of pediatric surgery departments of Tyumen and Kirov State Medical Universities. Various treatment methods were applied including chest constant pressure devices and thoracoplasties.

Results and discussion. The Ravich procedure was done in 14 children. The patients stayed at the hospital for 18±3 days and required prolonged anesthesia and long-term antibacterial therapy; discharge was followed by long-term immobilization with a plaster or polymer corset. 6 children had surgeries using smallinvasive thoracoplasty based on the method offered by H. Abramson. The hospital treatment stage was 7 to 11 days. 8 children had therapy using orthosis.

Conclusion. The authors believe that mental traumas caused by a keel-shaped deformity require minimally invasive techniques for correction that eliminate the deformity considering esthetic requirements of a patient.

About the authors

M. A. Akselrov

Tyumen State Medical University;
Tyumen Regional Clinical Hospital № 2

Author for correspondence.

Mikhail A. AKSELROV - Dr. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Tyumen State Medical University, chief of the Department of Pediatric Surgery No.1 Tyumen Regional Pediatric Clinical Hospital No. 2. PhD, MD

75, Melnikayte St., Tyumen, 625023


М. P. Razin

Kirov State Medical University


Maksim P. RAZIN - Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Kirov State Medical University, PhD, MD, professor

112, K. Marks St., Kirov, 610998


M. N. Satyvaldayev

Tyumen Regional Clinical Hospital № 1


Mustakhim N. SATYVALDAYEV - Chief of the Department of Thoracic Surgery Children’s of Tyumen Regional Pediatric Clinical Hospital No.1

55, Kotovskogo St., Tyumen, 625023


G. B. Vol’skiy

Tyumen Rehabilitation Center


Grigoriy B. VOLSKIY - Traumatologist-orthopedist

29 corp. 3/3, Shirotnaya St., Tyumen., 625000


V. A. Skobelev

Kirov State Medical University


Valentin A. SKOBELEV - Cand. Sci. (Med.), Assistant professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Kirov State Medical University, chief of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Kirov Regional Pediatric Clinical Hospital, PhD

112, K. Marks St., Kirov, 610998


M. A. Baturov

Kirov State Medical University


Maksim A. BATUROV - Assistant professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Kirov State Medical University

112, K. Marks St., Kirov, 610998



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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2018 Akselrov M.A., Razin М.P., Satyvaldayev M.N., Vol’skiy G.B., Skobelev V.A., Baturov M.A.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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