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The purpose of the study was to provide for comparative evaluation of clinical effectiveness of volemic reimbursement in children suffering from sepsis when using balanced and unbalanced infusion media.

Methods. This was a prospective, observational, controlled and single center study. 35 children were included into the development. Depending on the use of basic infusion medium, the children were divided into two groups such as the control group (n=20) with Ringer’s solution and the basic group (n=15) with Sterofunding Isotonic. The tactics of initial infusion therapy and intensive therapy of sepsis was comparable between the two groups. The clinical effectiveness was evaluated based on estimation dynamics using the PELOD scale, inotropic support duration, therapy duration, lethality, and monitoring of physiological variables.

Results. In 24 hours of intensive therapy, PELOD- estimated severity of patients’ conditions is comparable between the groups. Children of the basic group had less frequent signs of acute renal failure, decreased duration of inotropic support and reduced hospital treatment duration.

Conclusion. The use of balanced solutions applied during the infusion therapy of children suffering from sepsis is not associated with the variations in lethality and ALV duration. However, it can reduce the frequency of acute renal failures and inotropic support duration. 

About the authors

P. I. Mironov

Bashkir State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Dr.Sci (med), professor, Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology,




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