- Authors: Razumovsky A.Y.1, Alkhasov A.B.1, Bataev S.M.1, Abdurazakov M.A.1
- Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
- Issue: Vol 8, No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 36-43
- Section: Original Study Articles
- Submitted: 29.04.2018
- Accepted: 29.04.2018
- Published: 02.03.2018
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 397
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Purpose. To estimate the results of surgical treatment of children with vasorenal hypertension.
Materials and methods. 11 patients with renovascular hypertension were operated from 1999 to 2015 with 9 boys and 2 girls among them. Their age varied from 5 months to 14 years old. Their weight was 4.6 kg to 40 kg. All children had high blood pressure values (130/80 to 250/120 mmHg) in spite of antihypertension drug therapy given.
Results. 10 patients had plasty of renal arteries affected both unilaterally (6) and bilaterally (4). An internal iliac artery was taken as a transplant in 10 cases whereas the great saphenous iliac vein was used in 2 cases. 1 child had undergone reimplantation of the renal artery. One patient in the group had the middle aortic syndrome (MAS) and pronounced hyperplasia of the renal arteries. Only abdominal aortic repair was performed in this case. In all cases a positive result was noted in the form of normalization of arterial blood pressure values until the complete withdrawal of antihypertensive agents (in 7 cases) or significant dosage reduction (4 patients).
Conclusions. Surgery is the basic method in the treatment of children with renovascular hypertension. Using the internal ileac artery as a transplant is accompanied with good early and remote postoperation results. The internal ileac artery and great saphenous vein can be used in a bilateral lesion.
About the authors
A. Y. Razumovsky
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation,
Moscow, Russia, 117997, Ostrovitanova st., 1
РоссияA. B. Alkhasov
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor,
Moscow, Russia,117997, Ostrovitanova st., 1
РоссияS. M. Bataev
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Dr.Sci (med), head of Department of the thoracic and abdominal surgery,
Moscow, 123317, Shmitovskiy proezd, 29
РоссияM. A. Abdurazakov
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Resident of the Department of the Children’s Surgery,
Moscow, Russia, Ostrovitanova st., 1
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