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Purpose: to study roentgeno-anatomic peculiarities of ureters with various contractile activity in congenital non-refluxing megaureter in children.

Materials and methods: 47 children with congenital non-refluxing megaureter aged 3 months to 11 years underwent a complex urologic examination and X-ray ureteropyelometry with diuretic stimulation.

According to the study results, the patients were divided into 2 groups: those having a low contractile activity of the ureter (12 patients, the average frequency of ureter contractions of 0–3.6 per minute) and those with a normal contractile activity of the ureter (35 patients, average frequency of ureter contractions of 4–7.6 per minute).

The authors suggested such an integrated value as the ‘ureteral index’. It displayed roentgen and anatomic peculiarities of ureters with various contractile functions. The differences between the groups by the ureteral index are significant (p=0.000001).

Results and conclusions: the ureteral index over 0.19 with 87.5% sensitivity and 92% effectiveness characterize ureters with a low contractile function

About the authors

L. A. Deryugina

Saratov State V.I. Razumovsky Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Professor of Department of pediatric surgery, senior researcher of Research Institute of fundamental and clinical uronephrology, Department of pediatric urology and andrology, Dr.Sci (med)m professor Россия

E. I. Krasnova

Saratov State V.I. Razumovsky Medical University


Assistant Professor of Department of pediatric surgery, Dr.Sci (med),

410012, Saratov, B. Kazach’ja str., 112


I. V. Goremykin

Saratov State V.I. Razumovsky Medical University

Head of Department of pediatric surger, Research Institute of fundamental and clinical uronephrology, head of Department of pediatric urology and andrology, Dr.Sci (med)m professor Россия


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Copyright (c) 2018 Deryugina L.A., Krasnova E.I., Goremykin I.V.

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