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Functional Doppler echocardiography and estimation of cardiac output using the ultrasound monitor USCOM (Ultrasound Cardiac Output Monitor) are informative and affordable methods of non-invasive control of hemodynamics in newborns.
The study was aimed to determine the significance level of the results of measuring hemodynamics parameters using the non-invasive ultrasound monitor obtained by a beginning operator who lacks the skills of working with ultrasound devices.
The central hemodynamics parameters were determined using the ultrasound monitor of cardiac output non-invasive control USCOM via the left-sided transaortal approach in newborn children staying at the department of resuscitation and intensive therapy. Data were measured by two operators. One of them wasn’t aware of the results obtained by the other investigator. Stroke output, heart rate and cardiac index were chosen to be compared.
Statistical analysis was done using Wilkinson’s coefficient and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Median values were almost the same. In correlation comparison, a high correlation ratio was found for the cardiac rates obtained by operators 1 and 2 (r=0,827; p=0,000; R²=0,68); the stroke volume values were r=0,837; p=0,000; R²=0,7; the values of cardiac output were r=0,781; p=0,000; R²=0,61.
Acquiring practical skills of dealing with USCOM monitor doesn’t need special costs. On-site training under supervision of an instructor is enough.

About the authors

I. V. Boronina

Author for correspondence.
Заведующая кафедрой анестезиологии и реаниматологии, Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н. Н. Бурденко Минздрава России, 394036, Воронеж, ул.Студенческая, д. 10 Россия

Y. S. Alexandrovich

Заведующий кафедрой анестезиологии, реаниматологии и неотложной педиатрии факультета послевузовского и дополнительного профессионального образования, Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет Минздрава России, 194110, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Литовская, д. 2 Россия

A. N. Shmakov

Профессор кафедры анестезиологии и реаниматологии, Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Минздрава России, 630091, Красный проспект, д. 52 Россия

L. S. Oshanova

Аспирант кафедры анестезиологии и реаниматологии, Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н. Н. Бурденко Минздрава России, 394036, ул. Студенческая, д. 10 Россия


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Copyright (c) 2017 Boronina I.V., Alexandrovich Y.S., Shmakov A.N., Oshanova L.S.

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