
Sukhotskaya A.A., Kagantsov I.M., Bairov V.G., Vitovshchik M.G., Nikitina I.L., Ryzhkova D.V., Mitrofanova L.B., Sarakaeva L.R.
Smirnov A.A., Rybchenok V.V., Alexandrov A.V., Goncharuk P.V., Idris L.Y., Khagurov R.A., Evdokimov A.N., Knyazeva N.A.
Pimenova E.S., Khamzina D.A., Mukhametova E.M.
Satvaldieva E.A., Tuychiev D.B., Ashurov D.R., Sayramov I.K.
Kozlov Y.A., Poloyan S.S., Marchuk A.A., Rozhanskii A.P., Byrgazov A.A., Muravev S.A., Kovalkov K.A., Kapuller V.M., Narkevich A.N.
Mohammad B., Tsibin A.A., Degtyarev P.Y., Kruck N.N., Sidorov A.D., Trubnikov E.A., Yakunov A.N., Porfirieva I.L.
Соколов Y.Y., Efremenkov A.M., Donskoy D.V., Akhmatov R.A., Zykin A.P., Kaufov M.K., Shapkina A.N., Barskaya K.A.
Chronic obstruction of the stomach as a result of congenital malformation in a child of 1 year 10 months. Case report
Schneider I., Tsap N., Gaydysheva E., Timoshinov M., Ekimov M., Smirnova S.
Methods of local anesthesia in postoperative anesthesia of oncosurgical operations on the nasopharynx in children
Korobova L., Matinyan N., Merkulov O., Korolev V., Lazarev V., Ovchar T., Akimov V., Kovaleva E.
Technologies for stimulation of the reparative processes in children with knee osteochondritis dissecans: A review
Pligina E., Kerimova L., Burkin I., Kovalyunas I.
Сombination of pectus carinatum and Scheuermann–Mau disease in children: An empirical pattern or somite syndrome?
Vorobyeva E., Razumovskiy A., Dubrov V., Vybornov D., Krestyashin I., Mitupov Z., Vakhova E.
Safarov A.S., Sharipov A.M., Korokhonov A.T., Safarov B.A.
Effectiveness of urethral endosphincteroplasty in children with urinary incontinence, myelodysplasia, and epispadias
Demidov A., Mlynchik E.
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided cystogastrostomy in the treatment of the complicated form of acute pancreatitis in children
Pavlushin P., Gramzin A., Drobyazgin E., Dobrov S., Okhotina A., Nikulina A., Arkhipov D., Krivosheenko N., Koynov Y., Tsyganok V., Chikinev Y.
Difficulty in diagnosing and treating a child with multisystem inflammatory syndrome: a Case report
Tulokhonova J., Obarchuk O., Averina I.
Primary intestinal anastomosis in a child with perforation of Meckel’s diverticulum and peritonitis
Morozov K., Sharkov S., Kozlov M., Mordvin P., Ayrapetyan M., Morozov D.
Intraoperative methods for assessing blood loss: A review
Mezhevikina V., Lazarev V., Zhirkova Y.
一例原本健康的青少年患上了骨盆骨沙门氏菌 性骨髓炎。临床病例
Andreev I.А., Baranov D.A., Vecherkin V.A., Ptitsyn V.A., Koryashkin P.V., Gagloev V.М.
A rare variant of obstruction of the pyeloureteral segment of the lower half in a child with doubling of the upper urinary tract: Сase report
Sizonov V., Shidaev A., Kagantsov I., Kondrateva E.
Vascular bypass surgery in the treatment of extrahepatic portal hypertension in children (review)
Mitupov Z., Razumovsky A., Rachkov V., Kulikova N., Margaryan S.
One-stage transcrotal orchidopexy in bilateral inguinal cryptorchidism in children
Akramov N., Khaertdinov E., Pospelov M., Rakhmatullaev A., Isroilov A.
External genital injuries in girls
Pavlenko N., Pisklakov A., Chuyan I.
Efficiency of 3D imaging in children with abdominal echinococcosis
Minaev S., Gerasimenko I., Bykov N., Grigorova A., Timofeev S., Doronin F., Rubanova M., Mischvelov A.
Intravenous infusion of lidocaine as a component of multimodal analgesia in children under one year of age after cardiac surgery
Shcheglova K., Makogonchuk N., Chuprov M., Magilevets A., Bazylev V.
Sokolov Y.Y., Gogichaeva A.A., Korovin S.A., Efremenkov A.M., Akhmatov R.A.
Criteria for choosing antibiotic therapy for surgical sepsis in children
Satvaldieva E., Fayziev O., Ashurova G., Shakarova M., Ismailova M.
Use of indocyanine green in the resection of renal cysts in children
Kozlov Y., Poloyan S., Marchuk A., Rozhanski A., Byrgazov A., Kovalkov K., Kapuller V., Narkevich A., Muravev S.
Congenital portosystemic shunts: surgical treatment experience
Stepanov A., Sukhov M., Vasilyev K., Polyaev Y., Garbuzov R., Golenishchev A., Ashmanov K., Lyvina I., Demushkina A., Tereshina A.
Pneumothorax in newborns with multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19: a case reports
Shangareeva R., Absalyamova N., Fedorova R., Tikhonova I., Mukhamedova R., Alibaev A., Minibaeva G.
Cross-fused dystopia of the right kidney with cystic dysplasia of the non-functioning left kidney associated with an ureterocele
Kuzovleva G., Rogozhina V., Staroverov O., Ayryan E., Khvatynets N., Rostovskaya V.
女孩子宫附件扭转:预测因素和手术治疗。 临床病例系列和文献综述
Donskoy D.V., Korovin S.A., Vilesov A.V., Akhmatov R.A., Sangare K.D., Alimova O.A.
Dynamics of the testicle volume after scrotal and trans-inguinal orchiopexy in children aged 6–18 months
Kogan M., Makarov A., Sizonov V.
The shape of the kidney pelvis in the fetus with hydronephrosis grade III as a predictor of surgical treatment in postnatal period
Bondarenko S., Agzamkhodjaev S., Boyko A., Kuzovleva G.
Congenital hyperinsulinism: the significance of visual evaluation of positron emission tomography and the role of the surgeon in determining the limits of pancreatic resection
Sukhotskaya A., Bairov V., Mitrofanova L., Perminova A., Rijkova D., Nikitina I., Amidhonova S., Kagantsov I.
Organizational and clinical potential of the Federal Register of children with short bowel syndrome
Rozinov V., Ampar F., Samorokovskaya M., Isakov M.
Factors contributing to the late diagnosis of appendicitis in children: the results of a retrospective study
Yanitskaya M., Kharkova O., Markov N., Zolotarev N.
Situs inversus totalis in combination with hiatal hernia and hereditary hemolytic anemia in a 4-year-old child: A case report
Sharipov A., Mukhiddinov N., Rahmatova R., Mazabshoev S.
Novikova V.S., Kuleshov O.V., Ulrikh м.E.
Kozlov Y.A., Poloyan S.S., Sapukhin E.V., Strashinsky A.S., Makarochkina M.V., Marchuk A.A., Rozhanskii A.P., Byrgazov A.A., Muravev S.A., Narkevich A.N.
Morozov D.D., Agavelyan A.E., Khalafov R.V., Shumikhin V.S., Mokrushina O.G.
Kozlov Y.A., Poloyan S.S., Sapukhin E.V., Strashinsky A.S., Makarochkina M.V., Marchuk A.A., Rozhanskii A.P., Byrgazov A.A., Romanovich E.S., Narkevich A.N.
Akselrov M.A., Dyakonova E.Y., Karavaeva S.A., Karaseva O.V., Kovarskiy S.L., Kozlov Y.A., Minaev S.V., Mokrushina O.G., Morozov D.A., Petlakh V.I., Poddoubny I.V., Podkamenev A.V., Razumovskiy A.Y., Sokolov Y.Y., Kholostova V.V., Tsap N.A.
Spontaneous biliary perforation in a child: case report and review
Pavlushin P., Porshennikov I., Pavlik V., Tsyganok V., Gramzin A.
Efficiency of intravenous infusion of ketamine and lidocaine as part of multimodal analgesia in the postoperative period in children
Bazylev V., Shcheglova K., Chuprov M., Magilevets A.
Objectification of the treatment choice in children with isolated abdominal trauma, ruptured spleen
Anastasov A., Zubrilova E.
Atypically extended post-traumatic stricture of the bulbous urethra in a teenager: a Case report
Ladygina E., Nikolaev V., Demin N.
Petlakh V.I., Gorchakov S.A., Divilina Y.V.
Strelkov N.S.
Transpharyngeal closed reduction displacement of the first cervical vertebra in children
Wan Z., Minasov T., Yakupova E., Ginoyan A., Saubanov R.
Molotov R.S., Chernobabova M.M., Bataev S.M.
Diagnostics and surgical management of periampullary duodenal duplication cysts in children: a report of cases
Sokolov Y., Tumanyan G., Efremenkov A., Omarova Z., Koshurnikov O., Gogichaeva A.
Surgical treatment of children with pilonidal cysts
Smirnov A., Golovanev M., Poverin G.
Ermolenko K.Y., Pshenisnov K.V., Aleksandrovich Y.S., Aleksandrovich I.V., Konev A.I.
Sinitsyn A.G., Perepelkin A.I., Kopan G.A.
Zavyalkin V.A., Barskaya M.A., Yukhimets S.N.
Commentary on the article “Comparative analysis of the use of one-stage and two-stage urethroplasty in the treatment of children with proximal forms of hypospadias. Flap or graft?”
Rudin Y.
Golyana S.I.
Non-invasive diagnostics of extrahepatic portal hypertension in children
Yuldashev R., Aliev M., Shokhaydarov S., Tursunova D.
商业游戏 “高科技儿童外科手术”——远东联邦区儿童医疗保健管理决策建模
Morozov D.A., Rozinov V.M., Suvorov S.G., Ampar F.B., Strizhnev S.V., Vaganov N.N.
Bolotov Y.N., Minaev S.V., Isaeva A.V., Grigorova A.N., Alieva K.I., Khamkhoeva Z.I.
First experience of using a vacuum bell in the treatment of pectus excavatum in children
Shominova A., Mitupov Z., Razumovsky A.
Karpova I.Y., Strizhenok D.S., Myasnikov D.A., Filkin A.A., Dolinskaya V.D., Parshikov V.V.
Postoperative complications in children with Crohn’s disease: an analysis of risk predictors
Shcherbakova O., Shumilov P.
Zyuzko D.D., Shcherbakova O.V.
Draft Decision of the Russian Symposium of Pediatric Surgeons for “Esophageal Atresia”
Mokrushina O., Karavaeva S., Nemilova T., Podkamenev A.
Results of the Russian Symposium of Pediatric Surgeons “Esophageal Atresia”
Gorbachev O., Erokhina N., Shumikhin V.
Anesthetic management of a repeatedly operated patient with extrahepatic portal hypertension: Сase report
Naleev A., Lazarev V., Linkova T., Tsypin L.
Rozinov V.M., Suvorov S.G., Petlakh V.I., Gorbachev O.S., Erokhina N.O.
Commentary on the article “Atypically extended post-traumatic stricture of the bulbous urethra a teenager”
Rudin Y.
Airyan E.K., Demidov A.A., Staroverov O.V., Kuzovleva G.I., Yarkaeva L.R.
Vancouver Scar Scale for Assessing the Long-term Cosmetic results of surgical treatment of children with deep neck burns
Gnipov P., Baindurashvili A., Brazol M.
Kuzovleva G.I., Vlasenko E.Y., Maltseva L.D., Morozova O.L.
Serednyakov K.V., Aleksandrovich Y.S., Pshenisnov K.V., Konev A.I., Ioffe M.Y.
Prediction Model for Contralateral Hip Dislocation in Cerebral Palsy Patients with Unilateral Hip Dislocation: A Scoring System to Guide Decision Making
Tangadulrat P., Adulkasem N., Suganjanasate K., Wongcharoenwatana J., Ariyawatkul T., Eamsobhana P., Chotigavanichaya C.
Application of the PedsQL 4.0 questionnaire in assessing the quality of life of children with defecation disorders after surgical treatment of congenital malformations
Korolev G., Pimenova E., Morozov D.
Minimally invasive treatment of pilonidal cysts in children: the Gips procedure
Stepanova N., Novozhilov V., Mochalov M., Zvonkov D., Voropaeva A., Petrov E., Moroz S., Khaltanova D., Namkhanov V.
Comparative analysis of one- and two-stage urethroplasty in the treatment of proximal hypospadias in children: flap or transplant?
Surov R., Kagantsov I., Shmyrov O., Sizonov V., Volkova A., Zadykyan R., Kulaev A., Lazishvili M., Velskaya J.
Mitish V.A., Medinskiy P.V., Bagaev V.G., Valiullina S.A., Dvornikova M.A., Gromova A.A.
Pozdnyakov A.V., Svarich V.G., Lyurov D.A.
Microsurgical autotransplantation of the large omentum in a patient with Parry – Romberg syndrome: Case report
Bystrov A., Gassan T., Serebrennikova P., Myzin A.
文章 “儿童晚期化脓性腹膜炎术前准备的鉴别方法” 中的一处错误 文章“儿童弥漫性化脓性腹膜炎” 中的错误 (doi: 10.17816/psaic1570)
Editorial B.
First national manual on pediatric traumatology and its author N.G. Dam’e
Petlakh V.
Robot-assisted bladder diverticulectomy in a 9-year-old boy
Mosoyan M., Fedorov D., Osipov I., Burkhanov V., Pervunina T., Kagantsov I.
Lekmanov A.U.
Commentary 2 on the article “Primary intestinal anastomosis in a child with perforation of Meckel's diverticulum and peritonitis”
Minaev S.
Postoperative complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children: two cases report
Karpova I., Strizhenok D., Egorskaya L., Parshikov V., Egorskaya A.
Commentary 1 on the article “Primary intestinal anastomosis in a child with perforation of Meckel's diverticulum and peritonitis”
Tsap N.
Vlasov M.V.
Kozlov Y.A., Poloyan S.S., Sapukhin E.V., Strashinsky A.S., Makarochkina M.V., Marchuk A.A., Rozhanskii A.P., Byrgazov A.A., Muravev S.A., Narkevich A.N.
Superimposed high-frequency jet ventilation in children with oncohematological diseases and acute respiratory distress syndrome
Ivanashkin A., Novichkova G., Lazarev V., Khamin I., Tsypin L., Spiridonova E., Maschan A.
倒置的梅克尔憩室是导致儿童肠套叠的原因之一。 临床病例
Chundokova M.A., Golovanev M.A., Ivanov A.A.
Yakushev D.V., Azovskiy D.K., Protsenko D.N., Afukov I.I.
Experience of laparoscopic drainage of posttraumatic intramural hematomas of duodenum in children
Sokolov Y., Stonogin S., Korovin S., Tumanyan G., Allakhverdiyev I., Shapkina A., Kaufov M.
Commentary on the article "Chronic obstruction of the stomach as a result of congenital malformation in a child of 1.10 months. Case report"
Sokolov Y.
Delayed surgical treatment of children with exstrophy without approximation of the pubic bones, the use of displaced flaps and immobilization of the patient
Nikolaev V., Demin N., Ladygina E.
小儿脑瘫患儿在使用 ExoAtlet 外骨骼进行康复训练后尿液参数恢复正常
Bozhendaev T.L., Guseva N.B., Pismennaya E.V.
Sedation and analgesia when performing vascular access in children
Bykov M., Lazarev V., Shchukin V., Diordiev A., Bagaev V.
Lazarev V.
Glutamine solution in the parenteral nutrition for children with critical conditions
Erpuleva Y.
Semenova Z., Melnikov A., Savin I., Lekmanov A., Khachatryan V., Gorelyshev S.
1 - 100 的 324 信息 1 2 3 4 > >> 


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